Monday, August 30, 2010

Half Full

Continuing down (or up) memory road. In 1982 John and I hiked with my two daughters, Cynthia and Melanie to Pyramid Peak. It's memorable because it was the first (but not last) time I got really angry with him. The hike took about 12 hours and by the end of it I was certain he had tried to kill all 3 of us. He kept telling me I could rest and wait for them to come back down. So, I would find a spot I liked and sit down to enjoy the wild flowers and lovely breeze. He would sit, too and wait patiently until I gave in and kept hiking. In retrospect, I'm glad he challenged me like that, but I didn't see it that way back then. The views were incredible and I never would have done it on my own. We all survived, but it was difficult and I lost the entire back of my jeans and developed severe blisters on my feet from ill-fitting boots. John beat us to the end of the trail and we could see him blowing kisses and making love signs. I really wanted to choke him (if Carmen reads this she will understand). I think it made me a stronger person. I hope my daughters forgave him, too. I felt very close to God on top of that mountain. Next installment will be the proposal at Half Dome. Stay tuned.

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